Claiming healthcare costs
Have you incurred health care costs and have you had to pay or advance them yourself? Then you can submit the invoice to see if the costs can still be reimbursed. To whom you submit the bill depends on the country where you or your family members have incurred the healthcare costs.
In the country of residence

Have you incurred healthcare costs in the country where you and/or your family members live? In that case, declare the bills to the designated health insurer or body in your country of residence.
In the Netherlands

Have you incurred healthcare costs in the Netherlands? And do you live in an EU/EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom? Declare the account at the Zilveren Kruis, groep Buitenlands Recht.
In Europe

Have you incurred healthcare costs in another country in Europe? And do you live in an EU/EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom? Then declare the invoice to the CAK.