Lodging an objection
Do you disagree with a decision we have made? For example, is the start date incorrect, or do you think we have made a mistake in the calculation? In that case, you can object to the decision.
Good to know
- You have 6 weeks to raise an objection.
- These 6 weeks commence the day after the date on the letter containing the decision to which you are objecting.
- You can file an objection to an annual statement directly online via Mijn CAK (Dutch only).
Call us on +31 887115551 before raising an objection. This way, we can try and look for a solution first.
How can I lodge an objection?
You can submit an objection to us in various ways.
Online via Mijn CAK
Useful if you object to an annual statement. A number of data has already been pre-filled. But Dutch only.
- Log in on Mijn CAK with your DigiD.
- Go to Jaarafrekeningen.
- Click on the annual statement (jaarafrekening) you want to object to.
- Click on the link Bezwaar maken and fill in the online form.
By post with the paper form
- Click on the objection form (pdf, 101 kB).
- Complete the objection form and sign it.
- Enclose the following:
- a copy of the letter containing the decision;
- any supporting documents;
- an authorisation form (pdf, 566 kB) (only if someone is objecting on your behalf).
- Send the form and the other documents to:
Afdeling klachten, bezwaren en beroep
Antwoordnummer 91041
2509 VC Den Haag
No stamp is needed.
By post with a self-written letter
Would you prefer to send us a letter instead? Please include the following in your letter:
- your name, address and email address;
- the date on which you are sending the objection letter;
- a description of the decision to which you are objecting;
- the date and decision number of the letter;
- the reason why you disagree with the decision;
- your citizen service number (BSN);
- your telephone number.
Please enclose the following documents:
- a copy of the letter containing the decision;
- any supporting documents;
- an authorisation form (pdf, 566 kB) (only if someone is objecting on your behalf).
Sign your letter and send all the documents to:
Afdeling Bezwaar & Beroep
Antwoordnummer 91041
2509 VC Den Haag
No stamp is needed.
Does this mean that I don’t have to pay?
Have you objected to a bill? You are still required by law to pay the bill within 6 weeks. You are not allowed to withhold payment and wait for the outcome of your objection.
How will the CAK handle my objection?
An employee from our Objections & Appeals department will handle your objection. This employee has been specially trained for this purpose. The employee will handle your objection independently and objectively.
What you can expect
- Once we have received your objection, we will send you a letter.
- We may ask you to explain your objection to us. You can do this at a dedicated time: during a hearing. You are not required to attend such a hearing, but you may do so if you wish.
- We will decide on your objection. You will receive a letter containing this decision. This will be sent within 12 to 18 weeks of the date on the letter that contained the decision. Do we need more time? In that case, we will ask whether you agree to this.
- Do you disagree with our decision on your objection? If so, you can lodge an appeal with a district court in your local area. The district court to which you can appeal will be stated in the decision.
What if the CAK is too late with its decision on my objection?
We are required to make a timely decision on your objection. If we fail to do so, you may receive compensation. Read more on compensation in the next block.
When will I be informed of the outcome of my objection?
You will receive a letter from us stating that we have received your objection. The letter states within how many weeks you will be notified of a decision. Are we unable to make a decision within that time period? In that case, we may have another 6 weeks to reach a decision. You will receive a letter from us to notify you of this.
Are you still waiting for a decision after this?
If so, we are too late. You can let us know by sending your own letter or by completing this government form. In doing so, you declare us to be in default. Send your letter or form to us at:
Afdeling Bezwaar & Beroep
Antwoordnummer 91041
2509 VC Den Haag
No stamp is needed.
What happens next?
Once we have received your letter or form, we have 2 weeks to decide. Have still not made a decision? In that case, you will be entitled to compensation after these last 2 weeks.
How much compensation?
The amount of compensation you receive depends on by how many days we are late. Compensation cannot exceed 42 days late:
- 1 to 14 days late: EUR 23 per day
- 15 to 28 days late: EUR 35 per day
- 29 to 42 days late: EUR 45 per day