General tax credit
The amount of this tax credit depends on your income and age. You get less tax credit as your income increases. Above a certain income, you are not entitled to this credit at all.
Good to know
- For the provisional annual statement, we base our assessment solely on your Dutch income. We do not yet take into account any foreign income, deductions or negative balance on your own property.
- The final annual statement is based on your taxable income from work and your property. This is your Dutch and foreign income, less any deductions and/or negative balance on your own property.
The result of the calculations below may differ from your annual statement by a few euro. This is due to a difference in rounding. The credit applied to your annual statement is correct.
Examples of calculations
General tax credits 2025
Regarding the general tax credits there are 3 options:
- Is your income EUR 28 406 or lower? Then your general tax credit is EUR 827.
- Is your income EUR 76 817 or higher? Then your general tax credit is EUR 0.
- Is your income between EUR 28 406 and EUR 76 817? Then your general tax credit is calculated as follows:
You have reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2025
(EUR 1 536 – 3.170% x (Income - EUR 28 406)) x (9.65%/17.92%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 3.170%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 17.92% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the general tax credit (9.65/17.92).
You have not yet reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2025
(EUR 3 068 – 6.337% x (Income - EUR 28 406)) x (9.65%/35.82%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 6.337%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 35.82% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the general tax credit (9.65/35.82).
In this example we assume that you reached AOW-age and your total annual income is EUR 30 000.
The formula: (EUR 1 735 – 3.421% x (EUR 30 000 - EUR 24 812)) x (9.65%/19.07%)
Your income is EUR 30.000.
Reduce your income of EUR 30 000 with EUR 28 406 = EUR 1 594.
Take 3.170% of EUR 1 594 is EUR 51.
Reduce EUR 1 536 with EUR 51 = EUR 1 485.
Multiply EUR 1 485 with (9.65/17.92) = EUR 800 (rounded).
Your general tax credit is EUR 800.
General tax credits 2024
Regarding the general tax credits there are 3 options:
- Is your income EUR 24 812 or lower? Then your general tax credit is EUR 878.
- Is your income EUR 75 518 or higher? Then your general tax credit is EUR 0.
- Is your income between EUR 24 812 and EUR 75 518? Then your general tax credit is calculated as follows:
You have reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2024
(EUR 1 735 – 3.421% x (Income - EUR 24 812)) x (9.65%/19.07%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 3.421%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 19.07% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the general tax credit (9.65/19.07).
You have not yet reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2024
(EUR 3 362 – 6.630% x (Income - EUR 24 812)) x (9.65%/36.97%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 6.630%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 36.97% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the general tax credit (9.65/36.97).
In this example we assume that you reached AOW-age and your total annual income is EUR 30 000.
The formula: (EUR 1 735 – 3.421% x (EUR 30 000 - EUR 24 812)) x (9.65%/19.07%)
Your income is EUR 30.000.
Reduce your income of EUR 30 000 with EUR 24 812 = EUR 5 188.
Take 3.421% of EUR 5 188 is EUR 178.
Reduce EUR 1 735 with EUR 178 = EUR 1 557.
Multiply EUR 1 557 with (9.65/19.07) = EUR 788 (rounded).
Your general tax credit is EUR 788.
General tax credits 2023
Regarding the general tax credits there are 3 options:
- Is your income EUR 22 660 or lower? Then your general tax credit is EUR 803.
- Is your income EUR 73 031 or higher? Then your general tax credit is EUR 0.
- Is your income between EUR 22 660 and EUR 73 031? Then your general tax credit is calculated as follows:
You have reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2023
(EUR 1 583 – 3.141% x (Income - EUR 22 660)) x (9.65%/19.03%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 3.141%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 19.03% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the elderly person's tax credit (9.65/19.03).
You have not yet reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2023
(EUR 3 070 – 6.095% x (Income - EUR 22 660)) x (9.65%/36.93%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 6.095%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 36.93% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the elderly person's tax credit (9.65/36.93).
In this example we assume that you reached AOW-age and your total annual income is EUR 25 000.
The formula: (EUR 1 583 – 3.141% x (EUR 25 000 - EUR 22 660)) x (9.65%/19.03%)
Your income is EUR 25.000.
Reduce your income of EUR 25 000 with EUR 22 660 = EUR 2 340.
Take 3.141% of EUR 2 340 is EUR 74.
Reduce EUR 1 583 with EUR 74 = EUR 1 509.
Multiply EUR 1 590 with (9.65/19.03) = EUR 766 (rounded).
Your general tax credit is EUR 766.
General tax credits 2022
Regarding the general tax credits there are 3 options:
- Is your income EUR 21 317 or lower? Then your general tax credit is EUR 752.
- Is your income EUR 69 398 or higher? Then your general tax credit is EUR 0.
- Is your income between EUR 21 317 and EUR 69 398? Then your general tax credit is calculated as follows:
You have reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2022
(EUR 1 494 – 3.106% x (Income - EUR 21 317)) x (9.65%/19.17%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 3.106%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 19.17% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the elderly person's tax credit (9.65/19.17).
You have not yet reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2022
(EUR 2 888 – 6.007% x (Income - EUR 21 317)) x (9.65%/37.07%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 6.007%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 37.07% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the elderly person's tax credit (9.65/37.07).
In this example we assume that you reached AOW-age and your total annual income is EUR 25 000.
The formula: (EUR 1 494 – 3.106% x (EUR 25 000 - EUR 21 317)) x (9.65%/19.17%)
Your income is EUR 25.000.
Reduce your income of EUR 25 000 with EUR 21 317 = EUR 3 683.
Take 3.106% of EUR 3 683 is EUR 114.
Reduce EUR 1 494 with EUR 114 = EUR 1 380.
Multiply EUR 1 380 with (9.65/19.17) = EUR 695 (rounded).
Your general tax credit is EUR 695.
General tax credits 2021
Regarding the general tax credits there are 3 options:
- Is your income EUR 21 043 or lower? Then your general tax credit is EUR 738.
- Is your income EUR 68 507 or higher? Then your general tax credit is EUR 0.
- Is your income between EUR 21 043 and EUR 68 507? Then your general tax credit is calculated as follows:
You have reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2021
(EUR 1 469 – 3.093% x (Income - EUR 21 043)) x (9.65%/19.20%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 3.093%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 19.20% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the elderly person's tax credit (9.65/19.20).
You have not yet reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2021
(EUR 2 837 – 5.977% x (Income - EUR 21 043)) x (9.65%/37.10%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 5.977%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 37.10% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the elderly person's tax credit (9.65/37.10).
In this example we assume that you reached AOW-age and your total annual income is EUR 25 000.
The formula: (EUR 1 469 – 3.093% x (EUR 25 000 - EUR 21 043)) x (9.65%/19.20%)
Your income is EUR 25 000.
Reduce your income of EUR 25 000 with EUR 21 043 = EUR 3 957.
Take 3.093% of EUR 3 957 is EUR 122.
Reduce EUR 1 469 with EUR 122 = EUR 1 347.
Multiply EUR 1 347 with (9.65/19.30) = EUR 677 (rounded).
Your general tax credit is EUR 677.
General tax credits 2020
Regarding the general tax credits there are 3 options:
- Is your income EUR 20 711 or lower? Then your general tax credit is EUR 701.
- Is your income EUR 68 507 or higher? Then your general tax credit is EUR 0.
- Is your income between EUR 20 711 and EUR 68 507? Then your general tax credit is calculated as follows:
You have reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2020
(EUR 1 413 – 2.954% x (Income - EUR 20 711)) x (9.65%/19.45%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 2.954%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 19.45% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the elderly person's tax credit (9.65/19.45).
You have not yet reached AOW-age (state pension age) in 2020
(EUR 2 711 – 5.672% x (Income - EUR 20 711)) x (9.65%/37.35%)
- The reduction percentage of the general tax credit is 5.672%.
- The 1st tax bracket is 37.35% and the Wlz percentage is 9.65%. You will only receive the Wlz part of the elderly person's tax credit (9.65/37.35).
In this example we assume that you reached AOW-age and your total annual income is EUR 25 000.
The formula: (EUR 1 413 – 2.954% x (EUR 25 000 - EUR 20 711)) x (9.65%/19.45%)
Your income is EUR 25 000.
Reduce your income of EUR 25 000 with EUR 20 711 = EUR 4 289.
Take 2.954% of EUR 4.289 is EUR 127.
Reduce EUR 1 413 with EUR 127 = EUR 1 286.
Multiply EUR 1 286 with (9.65/19.45) = EUR 638 (rounded).
Your general tax credit is EUR 638.