How do I register my family members?
You will of course want to make sure your family members are well cared for. You can sometimes co-insure them through the CAK. Whether you can do this depends on their situation.
The conditions:
- You are entitled to health insurance through the CAK.
- Your family members have little or no income of their own.
- The health insurer in the country where you live agrees.
Registering your family members: this is how it works
- On your application form, provide the details of the family members you want to co-insure.
- Register your family members with the health insurer in the country where you live. Please bring with you all the documents (S1 or 121) that you have received from us. NB: do you live in the United Kingdom, North Macedonia, Cabo Verde or Tunisia? If so, we will send the documents directly to the health insurer.
- The health insurer will decide whether you can co-insure your family members, and will let you and the CAK know.
- You will pay a contribution to the CAK for your co-insured family members. This is included in the healthcare contribution that we deduct from your pension(s) or benefit each month.
- Do you live with your family members in an EU/EEA Member State, the United Kingdom or Switzerland? If so, your family members will also receive a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the CAK. They need this card for healthcare and/or medicine in the Netherlands and a number of other European countries.
Please note
We will not send your family members’ EHICs until the health insurer in your country of residence sends us confirmation. You may therefore receive your family members’ EHICs later than your own one.
Consult the health insurer in your country of residence to find out the requirements for co-insuring family members. For example, in Germany, you can only co-insure your partner if you are married to them.
What if:
My family members receive their own pension or benefit from the Netherlands?
Then they must fill in a separate application form themselves. They will then have their own individual right to health insurance.
My family members still work in the Netherlands?
Then they will retain their health insurance in the Netherlands. Do they also want to go to the doctor or get other care in the country where they live? Then contact the Dutch health insurer. This insurer can send you a document (S1/106) allowing your family members to register with a health insurer in the country where they live.
My family members have other income?
Then check with the employer or government in your country of residence to find out where your family members can get health insurance.
More information
- View the designated health insurers by country of residence