What is a statutory pension or benefit?
If you receive any of the Dutch pensions or benefits listed on this page, you are entitled to health insurance through the CAK.
Old age pension - AOW
AOW is a basic pension provided by the Dutch government. Have you lived or worked in the Netherlands? Then you will receive AOW from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) once you reach the state pension age.
Survivors' pension - Anw (SVB)
A survivor's pension is a benefit you receive when your partner dies. You receive a survivor’s pension under the Algemene nabestaandenwet – Anw (General Surviving Dependants Act). This pension is paid to you by the Sociale Verzekeringsbank. An Anw pension from other agencies does not entitle you to health insurance through the CAK.
Military invalidity or survivors' pension
You receive this pension according to the General Military Pension Act. Your pension was awarded before 1 June 2001.
Bridging benefit - OBR
You are receive a bridging benefit (OBR) to supplement your income. For example, because you temporarily lost income due to the state pension age increasing. This benefit is paid to you by the Sociale Verzekeringsbank.
Early retirement, flexible pension or optional pension
You were an employee and you retired early. You receive this pension untill you reach retirement age. This pension is paid to you by your pension fund.
Your health insurance through the CAK will stop as soon as your early pension expires. So make sure you apply for AOW on time. Then your health insurance will continue (if you are entitled to it).
Early retirement scheme (RVU)
You are making use of the early retirement scheme. This benefit is paid to you by your employer.
Railway pension or survivors' pension
You receive this pension according to the Railway Pensions Act. Your pension was awarded before 1 January 1994.
Remigration benefit Cape Verde
This benefit is paid to you by the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).
WAO-, WIA-, WAZ- or IVA-benefit
If you are incapacitated for work, you will receive one of the following benefits:
- WAO – Wet op de arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering (Invalidity Insurance Act)
- WIA – Wet werk en inkomen naar arbeidsvermogen (Work and Income According to Capacity to Work Act)
- WAZ – Wet arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering zelfstandigen (Invalidity Insurance (Self-Employed Persons) Act)
- IVA - Inkomensvoorziening Volledig Arbeidsongeschikten (Income provision fully disabled)
This benefit is paid to you by the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) or your former employer.
Wajong benefit
A Wajong (Work and Employment Support (Young Disabled Persons) Act) benefit is an income for people who have an illness or disability from an early age. This benefit is paid to you by UWV. You need to get approval from UWV if you want to move abroad while retaining your benefit.
Wamil benefit
You receive this benefit in accordance with the Military Disability Insurance Act (Wamil) of 7 June 1972.
Redundancy pay (WW+) for military personnel and civil servants
You were employed in the military or as a civil servant, and are now receiving redundancy pay or a non-statutory supplementary unemployment insurance benefit (also known as WW+). You are receiving this benefit because you were made redundant due to:
- having been dismissed because your post ceased to exist (you were no longer needed); or
- having been dismissed because you reached a certain age.
Has your employment ended for another reason? In that case, your redundancy pay or WW+ benefit does not have the same status as a statutory benefit. If you are in this situation, you do not arrange your health insurance through the CAK; you instead take out health insurance yourself in your country of residence.
You are not insured through the CAK in the following situations:
- you have one of the pensions or benefits listed above, but you are also still working in the Netherlands;
- you are receiving a WW or sickness benefit.
In most cases, you will not remain insured in the Netherlands.
More information
- Read more about living abroad with an old age pension (AOW)