Making an objection
Do you disagree with a decision made by the CAK? Then you can make an objection. A decision is stated in a letter you receive from the CAK. This letter also states that you can file an objection.
You can object within 6 weeks. This period starts the day after the date on the letter containing the decision. Choose your scheme or situation:
Uninsured (uninsured fine)
Do you disagree with our decision? Please call us first. Together we can see if an objection is necessary, or that we can help you faster in a different way.
Do you still want to object? You can do so within six weeks. There are 2 ways you can object:
- by filling in a form and sending it in, or
- by writing a letter.
You cannot submit an objection by phone.
Printing the objection form
Print the objection form (pdf, 63 kB) and fill it in.
Note: Do not forget to fill in your phone number and signature. This way we can easily reach you if we have any questions.
Enclose the following documents with your form:
- a copy of the decision you are objecting to.
- copies of supporting documents.
- if someone else is objecting on your behalf: an authorisation (pdf, 566 kB).
Write a letter
Would you rather write us a letter? Send us your objection, containing the following:
- your name, address and e-mail address.
- the date on which you send the objection.
- a description of the decision you object to (give date and the number of the letter).
- the reason why you disagree with the decision.
- your social security number (BSN).
- your telephone number.
Please enclose the following documents:
- a copy of the decision you object to.
- copies of supporting documents.
- if someone else is objecting on your behalf: an authorisation.
Sign the objection and send it to:
Afdeling bezwaar
Antwoordnummer 91034
2509 VC Den Haag
A post stamp is not required.
Health insurance abroad
Do you disagree with a decision we have made?